ED-Festival workshop – Futures Design Methodology by Bespoke (SOLD OUT)

ED-Festival workshop – Futures Design Methodology by Bespoke

Friday, June 17, 14:00-17:00
Location: e-Estonia Briefing Centre 
Speaker: Bespoke (Andreas K. Mortensen & Chanel Haifley)
Target group: designers (strategic designers, service designers etc)
Ticket: 60 eur / pre-registration required -> BUY HERE! (SOLD OUT)

Innovation leads us to the future, and the future makes us innovate.
What are the methods for collaboratively prototyping as well as experiencing and impacting future scenarios? How to create hypothetical future props? How to imagine, prototype, deploy and evaluate visions of possible futures on an extended time scale.

The workshop will be a hands-on introduction to Bespoke’s Futures Design methodology. Futures Design is a four step approach to design scenarios by identifying external change signals, assessing future risk factors and strategic opportunities, and backtracking necessary steps to achieve preferable outcomes.

Participants will learn how to take action on an ever-changing society, and get familiar with tools and frameworks to monitor change signals as they arrive in the horizon and uncover opportunities at which today’s decisions and actions can be leveraged to move toward desirable futures.

The methodology will consist of the following activities:

Situate.Theme scoping: Uncovering the future of X by using a Scope Wheel
Search. Horizon scanning: Detecting external change signals by using Scan Cards
Sense. Analysing signals: Finding patterns and articulating insights by using Insight Template
Scale. Scenario making: Sketching scenarios by using a Scenario Canvas.

All activities will be facilitated by Andreas K. Mortensen & Chanel Haifley and co-created together with all participants.

The workshop will benefit all kinds of participants be it designers, academics, policy-makers or leaders but will emphasise the value it brings to professional/client work.

Bespoke is a global Futures Design Studio based in Copenhagen. You can read more about Bespoke’s work here: https://bespokecph.com/

About the Speakers:

In the Picture: Andreas K. Mortensen & Chanel Haifley

Andreas K. Mortensen is Research Lead in Bespoke, a strategic foresight and design studio based in Copenhagen. Andreas holds a master’s degree in Business Administration and Philosophy from Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. As Research Lead, Andreas is responsible for the quality and validity of all research activities related to Bespoke’s client projects. Moreover, Andreas plays a key role in translating and anchoring the data and creative output within client organisations, including facilitating, evaluating and presenting the results. 

Chanel Haifley is a Research Intern at Bespoke, a strategic foresight and design studio based in Copenhagen. She holds a Bachelor in Dietetics and just finished her Master’s in Human Nutrition at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Chanel’s passion and experience lies in scanning industries for signals of change, documenting, and communicating them with design thinking. Chanel will bring forth her curious mindset and play a vital role in the facilitation of the European Design Awards workshop.

A Tour:
A visit to e-estonia briefing centre to hear the story of the world's most advanced digital society.