
Imagine us as modern-day sculptors, moulding greatness not from marble but from the tiniest bits.

At our core, we firmly believe that design is, above all, about functionality. Our solutions aren’t just user-friendly – they’re elegant power-ups for your workflow. We kick off with a straightforward design brief, then dive headfirst into the nitty-gritty – that’s when the real magic begins. Step by step, guided by end-user feedback, we progress from a low-fidelity wireframe to the polished final product. Embracing challenges isn’t a mere choice; it’s woven into our very DNA. Custom solutions are our all-day breakfast.

Our portfolio includes projects from both the private and public sectors with a strong focus on information systems, web applications, and mobile apps. And we're equally prepared to excel in the "yet unknown".

In addition to custom software solutions, we offer independent design services. Thanks to our designers' diverse backgrounds and skills, we're equipped to engineer versatile systems that seamlessly combine form and function. We care about long-term relationships, so our designers will be like a part of your team. Together, we'll create things that not only meet your expectations but that we're proud of too.

And when we say we've got you covered, it's not just words. Coffee's on us, and so are our designers. Your task? Simply bring the assignment.


Digital Product Design
Service Design
UX Testing
Web Design
Graphic Design


Meliva (Qvalitas & Unimed)
Baltic Agro
Tartu Terminal
Eesti Töötukassa
Riigi Kinnisvara


Golden Eggs 2023: 

Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund - Digital service/app, bronze

Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund -  UX/UI journey, shortlist