The project „Design Challenge Pilot“

The main goal of the "Design Challenge Pilot" project is to tackle a common innovation support challenge, through the Twinning + methodology.

The project "Design Challenge Pilot" with the acronym "DCP" aims to strengthen the practice of "co-creation" of service systems to solve the social challenges of urban areas, by ensuring the participation of innovative SMEs in their design process. 

During the implementation of the project, the partners will jointly evaluate a process of developing solutions to local challenges, utilizing the know-how of innovative SMEs, thus satisfying the target group of the region / country. Through this process, local authorities will be able to improve both the performance of SME support programs in the local community, as well as increase the level of citizen satisfaction.

The main goal of the "Design Challenge Pilot" project is to tackle a common innovation support challenge, through the Twinning + methodology. This methodology combines elements of traditional methods of practice evaluation together with the method of knowledge exchange that is implemented in small learning groups (Peer learning), in which stakeholders participate.

This project aims to bring together three actors to jointly seek solutions on how local communities can benefit from the involvement of respective SMEs in innovation support programs. In other words, to gain information through the experience of the beneficiary SMEs (their newly acquired skills, knowledge, and experience) from their participation in innovation programs. Innovative companies, which have already gained added value through their participation in innovation programs, could contribute with their knowledge to the solution of a local challenge. Also, through this collaborative model and the utilization of these SMEs, the relationship between the provider of the respective innovation support service and the recipient of the service (follow-up relationship) may be redefined. In this way the non-loss of information regarding the development and growth of the benefiting SMEs is achieved, as well as the return on the investment made (ROI).

During the implementation of the project, the partners will jointly evaluate a process of developing solutions to local challenges, utilizing the know-how of innovative SMEs, thus satisfying the target group of the region / country. Through this process, local authorities will be able to improve both the performance of SME support programs in the local community and the increase of citizens' satisfaction. The three partners will identify (through peer-learning processes) similar initiatives (if any) and will integrate information regarding their effectiveness in the design of a new "design" service. This new service will promote the cooperation of cities, media and citizens for the common good. More specifically, the corporate scheme will work together to develop a process,

In addition to developing this process and training a Guide (DOP) for use by other stakeholders, the partners will develop a draft guide (“Draft” DOP) to set up a pilot action of the process - a challenge service in the Hellas.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 853667.