CODIS project workshop summary

The CODIS project pilot-setup workshop took place at KEPA’s premises in Thessaloniki, on November 12th - 16th, 2018

This 5-days “Design Sprint” session focused on designing and developing a new programme. This week’s work was based on the outcomes of the prior peer-learning workshop in Tallinn and suggested methodology & guidelines developed on how to set up a new programme/service, as described in the draft Design Options Paper (DOP).

During this one week, the three project partners designed the pilot programme “Re:Connect”. Having in mind the local ecosystem, the SME level of maturity / integration regarding Design Thinking, together with the lack of designers (in its methodological – process-oriented meaning), the programme aims to bring these two different target groups together. Enhancing SMEs’ design integration and user-orientation of their products, services and/or processes on the one side, and “re-educating” designers (web / graphic designers / consultants / marketeers / architects / etc.) into the process of Design Thinking on the other hand.


The pilot programme, valued of 1260€ per participant, will be offered for free to -up-to- 5 SMEs and 10 designers, and it will last for 2 months. The programme includes 2 B2B meetings with each working team, 2 hands-on workshops and a final event, during which the results of the programme and participants’ experience will be shared.


More information about CODIS


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 806616.

CODIS, Horizon2020