Tulemas Bruno Maagi töötuba "Choosing a typeface"

14.-15. märtsil viivad Bruno Maag ja Eleni Beveratou (Dalton Maag) töötoa "Choosing a typeface".

bruno maag, disainikoolitus, tüpograafia, disainikeskus

Praktiline kahepäevane töötuba ei õpeta, kuidas fonte ise disainida, vaid kuidas õiget fonti valida ja millega kõigega peaks kirjatüüpe kasutades arvestama. Koolitus koosneb neljast moodulist ja sisaldab nii teoreetilist osa kui praktilisi grupiülesandeid teemadel brand expression, linguistic, technical and logistic requirements. 

Koht: Kultuurikatel, I korrus
Aeg: 14.-15. märts 9.30-17.00
Maksumus: 190€ (Disainibüroode võrgustiku liikmetele), teistele 240€ / hind sisaldab koolituse materjale, kohvipause ja lõunaid.

Registreeri koolitusele.


Bruno Maag, Founder and Chairman of Dalton Maag
Eleni Beveratou, Creative Director at Dalton Maag

Dalton Maag  on Euroopa suurim sõltumatu disainibüroo, mis on keskendunud kirjatüüpide loomisele. Neil on stuudiod nii Londonis kui São Paulos, Brasiilias ning nad on teinud custom made fonte sellistele brändidele nagu Amazon, Nokia, BWM, Vodafone, Toyota, Google, Intel, BBC jpt.

→ Töötoa kirjeldus (inglise keeles):

1 - Brand Expression: We will discuss how to assess and make decisions on emotional qualities of a typeface to fit a brand. For the exercise, groups will have to discuss what the brand stands for and how that should be best expressed typographically. We will expect the groups to conduct research, choose a number of typefaces and then make decisions. At the end of the exercise each group has to give a mini presentation explaining their decision making.

2 - Linguistic requirements: We will discuss that different brands have different language requirements, and that different parts in the world have specific expectations as to how they want to be talked to. We will give tips on how to match typefaces from different writing systems with each other to have a visual coherence to one another. In the practical exercise the groups will have to evaluate the linguistic requirements of the brand and research the availability of suitable non-Latin typefaces. At this point it may be that the original choices have to be changed to enable cross-language visual harmony. At the end of the exercise each group has to give a mini presentation explaining their decision making.

3 - Technical requirements: We will discuss font technologies and how they work in different software environments. As before the groups will have to assess the type choices made against the requirements of the brand and possibly propose changes to the typeface seletions. At the end of the exercise each group has to give a mini presentation explaining their decision making.

4 - Logistic requirements: We will discuss the dis/advantages of font licensing, modifications and custom fonts, and explain how to make the best choice according to brand requirements. In the exercise the participants assess legal aspects of the font choices, and the potential logisitical problems that brings, possibly rejecting all prevsious solutions and propose a new one. At the end of the exercise each group has to give a mini presentation explaining their decision making.

About Bruno Maag:

Bruno Maag is a trained typesetter from Zurich, Switzerland. After graduating from Basel School of Design with degrees in Typography and Visual Communications he emigrated to England where he worked for Monotype creating custom typefaces. After a year in Chicago with Monotype he returned to England to start Dalton Maag, focussing on the creation of custom typefaces.

Bruno today is the Chairman of Dalton Maag and in recent years has spearheaded projects for large global companies and small enterprises alike. Some of the clients include Nokia, Intel, HP, Amazon, Lush, Faena, The Stroke Foundation and Rio2016 to name a few. His interests today extend into scientific research into reading physiology and psychology.

Bruno serves on both the board of Directors for ATypI and the Board of Trustees for D&AD.

Vaata ka Bruno Maagi loengut.